
Building Effective Internet Marketing Squeeze Pages

by , under Internet Marketing

How good is your Internet marketing squeeze page? Most internet marketing sales funnels start at a squeeze page, also called a landing page. Squeeze pages are one-page websites designed specifically to capture a lead by acquiring a prospect’s name and email address. They work together with an autoresponder to confirm and send emails to interested subscribers. This simple system is the core of a highly leveraged sales funnel. This article describes key elements of an effective squeeze page.

Focus on the Benefit & the Desired Action

There are many excellent internet marketing guides for how to build effective landing pages. In a nutshell, your squeeze page should show visitors that you are a reputable professional internet marketer with a compelling solution to their problem. The page copy should draw clearly highlight the benefit and direct attention to the action step of the opt-in. The page should reflect who you are to your potential subscribers.

It should also detail exactly what a subscriber will receive if they opt-in to your newsletter. And do not forget the privacy clause. Most savvy internet users are spam conscious and need assurance that you will not sell or give their email address to anyone.

Long or Short Landing Page Copy

There is still much debate over long or short sales copy on a landing page. But in any case, an effective internet marketing squeeze page should include a persuasive headline demonstrating to the reader the benefits of your offer. Be short, concise and to the point in the headline. Add videos to show realistic depictions of satisfied people using your products and testimonies of people who have benefited from your product or service. Any written testimony will have impact, but videos are more effective for internet marketing businesses.

Deliver Free Valuable Content

When strategizing your internet marketing squeeze page, plan to give away a report or ebook for free to entice your prospects.

Even if you possess a killer page, people love to get something for nothing. The free report does not need to look fancy, but it does need to solve a problem and help the user. Relevant how-to articles and tips & tricks that solve the reader’s problems will always be welcome in the online marketplace.

After assembling the data, reiterate again in bullet points why your opt-in subscriber list is a crucial step for the visitor to take. Do not sell, just offer information and help them to understand that you desire to see them succeed and will deliver the valuable content to help them do so. Adhering to these three components of a good squeeze page will enhance your internet marketing efforts.

The challenge of creating an effective squeeze page and sales funnel could be impeding your Internet marketing business success. Just having a business and hanging out a sign and putting up a squeeze page are not enough to generate sales. By being a part of a successful business and a reputable business mastermind team is the most effective way to gain the skills and learn the techniques that will enable you to create the sales funnel for your internet marketing business.

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