Tag: traffic
Tips You Can Use To Improve The Page Rank Of Your Site
Everybody who is interested in optimizing their website sooner or later comes across the issue of raising the page rank of the site. There are a number of ways to do it. We will discuss basic SEO techniques that will definitely set a solid platform for page rank improvement.
The domain name is very important. Try to name it after your business.
If you are selling soft toys you should name the site ‘softtoys.com’, ‘softtoysforkids.com’ or something like that. You need to make sure that the site domain name includes the main word for your business which is toys in this case.
Your site needs to have good content rich in keywords describing your business. If we stick to our selling toys line, it would mean that you should use words like toys, soft toys, toys for children, kid’s toys and other combinations that would give quality description to your product. By using word ‘toy’ frequently you ensure that search engines categorize your site properly and find it when somebody is looking for toys. Using this keyword both in the site domain name and its content is a sure way to improve your position on the search results list. This technique lays a good basis for getting a high page rank in future. There is only one thing to remember about this technique: overusing the keywords is not good. Make sure you use keywords where they suit and not just for the sake of search engines. Remember people will also visit your site and read your content and if it is readable they are more likely to come back again and bring their friends to your site.
There are a couple of tips related to the site design. If you use template based software there is only one thing you can do about the design of your site: you can post links to the home page at the bottom of each page of your site. The strategy behind this is simple: each page has its own page rank, when it has links to some other page it shares some of its value with that page, thus, the more links lead to your home page the higher page rank it will have. Besides the search engines use this technique to determine the relevancy of your site.
It is said that meta tags are not as important as they used to be. However, you still need to know how to go about them. Page title tag is important because it describes every page of your site and it appears across your browser when you search across the Internet. Thus this tag should include the most important keyword and be relevant to the main business of your site. The repetition of the keyword in the meta tags also serves the purpose of helping the search engines to understand your page.
These days Web technologies have become very popular. So it is little wonder that the Internet network has changed into a way of earning money. But to avoid putting your web business in danger it is very important to understand how to get Targeted Traffic.
Search Engine Submission is one of the most important things which has to be focused on.
Keep in mind that people today use online network to find info, and buy goods. And of course they use search engines for it. To make an online business successful, one has to use every tool available.
Also, Offline marketing can be helpful as well if it is applicable to the business.