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Discussing The Core Aspects Of Page Rank

by , under Internet Marketing

Each time you want to find something on the web you will definitely use some search engine. It might be interesting to know that Google accounts for almost 70% of daily search requests. Search engines take the keywords you insert and make a list of sites that deal with the requested subject. The order in which the sites appear depends on the page rank of each site. High page rank and high search engine ranking position give your site more authority over a certain topic and this provides for greater amounts of visitors coming to your website. Page authority is a great thing for the site and here are some things you should know about it.

Google uses democratic approach to the search results.

It is not biased to any particular sites.

If Google notices that visitors come to your site more often when it comes to a certain topic it will definitely give your site higher page authority on this specific search query.

If your site consists of a number of pages they will not have the same authority. Each page has its own page rank. For some sites home page might have the highest page rank while for some sites like forums the front page often has a very low page rank while the pages that deal with the most interesting and informative subjects have high page rank of 7 and even higher. Webmasters often use this peculiarity to increase the page rank of the home page by providing internal backlinks to it from high page rank pages.

Backlinks are considered the most effective way of increasing the page rank. Hence, a lot of webmasters resort to this technique. They also know that not all backlinks count towards greater page rank of their webpage. They know that the backlinks should come from the sites with equal or higher page rank. To find out the page rank of other webpages you need to use special software. You need to insert the URL of the site that interests you there and wait for the results. This software will check the SEO characteristics of the site and show them to you. This is quite time consuming, but very helpful.

With this software you can be sure you always cooperate with the right sites.

Higher page rank means that your traffic will also increase. If you had moderate amounts of traffic when the rank of your webpage was 2 you will be surprised how much more page rank 6 can offer in terms of search results position and traffic.

All these aspects confirm that page rank of your site is very important if you are planning to do successful business online. Understanding the core aspects of page rank gives you a lot of information on how to achieve it.

These days Internet technologies are extremely popular. So no wonder that the Internet network has turned into a way of earning money. But to avoid putting your web business in big problem it is very important to understand how to bulk real visitor traffic.

How to get search engines to crawl your site is one of the most important things which has to be focused on. Remember that people today use online network to find info, and buy goods. And of course they use search engines for it. To make an online business successful, one has to use every tool available. This is why if you are aware of building search rankings much, you have better chances to become prosperous.

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