Tag: social media


Social Network And Internet Marketing

by , under Internet Marketing

In Internet marketing, many people focus on the more obvious things like link building, keyword research, article writing and many others. Though those would work well on it’s own, many Internet marketers tend to forget the rate the Internet is growing. Thus, they overlook a most powerful tool in social media. Though this can be a tool for selling, there are points one must look out for when using it.

I’ve been following expert internet marketer and master persuader Dave Lakhani for some time now, and recently he talked about social media. What he has to say is gold, if I must say. Dave talks about how to use the medium to complement and improve your marketing strategies in online business. One of the points he stresses is using the medium to interact with your clients. All the best sales persons and marketing gurus in the world have one thing in common, and that is their interaction with clients. Using services like twitter can help you with this by giving you and your clients’ access to one another.

With this constant interaction, you are able to answer people’s queries and issues. Mind you, the old days where you interrupt people and scream at them to “buy this, buy that” won’t work anymore. In fact, it will work the other way around and turn people on you, instead of you reeling them in. No one likes to be interrupted in a spam way so when using media like twitter or facebook, use them as a means to interact, rather than to blatantly sell. Though you are still selling, do it in a way that is more appealing and less a salesman pitch way. This way, when people ask you something, you are able to answer personally and sell subtly. One other thing, it also gives people a chance to connect to you in a more personal way and not as some shill who’s just hawking their goods.

One thing to also use is videos. Why? Well, since we are here to interact make your persona more a person than a figure, when you make videos, and people watch them, they get to know you more on a personal level too. See how you talk, knowing how you talk, your sense of humor, and to some extent your personality. This way, people connect with you more. Also, video is fast becoming one of the more popular media people look for on the Internet. In fact, youtube is now the second largest search engine around, next to Google. Creating video plus using facebook and twitter can help you go a long way.

To make you understand how your clients feel, remember when you were young, or maybe this happened to you as an adult, but didn’t it feel great whenever an owner of store or mall personally attended to you? Answering your questions, giving you what you need, etc? Didn’t it give you a sense of importance? Didn’t it want you to bring your business to him always because the owner is such a nice guy? This is why you should establish your own connection.

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