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Why Facebook Likes Are Important To Businesses

by , under Internet Marketing

Facebook is one of the top 2 sites in the world and its popularity is only increasing forcing Google to take pre-emptive action. You would have seen the news recently detailing how Facebook has just bought FriendFeed netting a group of prized ex-Google engineers in the fast-growing Internet business. FriendFeed, an up-and-coming social media startup, lets users share content online in real time across various social networks and blogs. The service is similar to, though less popular than Twitter.

Google has reacted by beginning to block Facebook and other web companies from accessing its users’ information, highlighting an intensifying rivalry between the two Web giants. Google will no longer let other services automatically import its users’ email contact data for their own purposes unless the information flows both ways. It has accused Facebook in particular of siphoning up Google contact data, without allowing for the automatic import and export of Facebook users’ information. It would appear that this will play out in the short to medium term.

Because Facebook has the infrastructure to advertise businesses unlike Google which is fundamentally a search engine, many companies are now focusing on their social media strategy and allocating less time to SEO strategies. This could affect Google’s earnings in the future.

As mentioned, with Facebook offering fan or group pages as an option for businesses to have a collective meeting point, much is being dedicated to gaining the most Facebook fans fast. Corporations are realizing that this is a way to capitalize on their brand and create innovative methods to communicate with their customers.

Facebook fans are really responsible for making your product, service or brand popular. So if you are able to get Facebook likes and in abundance, this gives you an advantage over your competitors. The influence that you are able to wield through your Facebook page is quite incredible.

There are basically 2 ways to get Facebook fans. You can be innovative and creative and spend copious amounts of money on targeted Facebook ads or try the new phenomenon of buying Facebook fans. This is a relatively new area of Facebook marketing and involves using a third party like Bulklikes.com to guarantee targeted fans to your page. Best of all, they choose to follow you so don’t under estimate the power behind this. As they follow you, it appears on their news feed which their friends see, they in turn follow you and so forth creating an exponential growth in your Facebook page. Once that occurs, it is up to you to create content that is enticing enough for them to make a purchase of your product or service.

Bulklikes.com is a business that provides such a service offering bulk Facebook fan packages for a cheap price. This helps to remove the time consuming and often tedious task of gaining fans and allows the company to focus on core business that will generate the most revenue.

Try them today. You won’t be disappointed.

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