Tag: making money


Contextual Advertising And Sharing Services As Kinds Of Internet Income.

by , under Internet Marketing

I want you to pay attention to such types of income on the Internet that do not need a large investment of money and that can be mastered even by a pupil.

Income on advertising, you should have a site.

Income on sharing services.

How can we make money on contextual ads?

Site is finished, filled with unique content, registered in search engines and directories, what is the following? Once the first visitors have come to the site, let’s make money on your site. How can we make money using this method? – You ask. There are no secrets, everything is clear – money on the network can be just two types: the money of customers and advertisers’ money. Draw conclusions: to earn money, you must sell your products or give advertisers’ access to your visitors.

How can we make money on contextual ads and enhance payoff? Read about it on the services, as well as on the forums on the network. Your income will enhance as traffic to your website will grow… You get from 2 cents to several dollars per click; it all depends on what they click.

Income on sharing services.

File sharing – is a service for sharing files between Internet users, which give a place to store your files and pay for loads of their server.

File sharing – this is the easiest and best way of making money on the network; you do not need to have much knowledge and you do not need to invest big amounts of money in this kind of income.

Income on sharing services is simple: register, upload a file, receive a link to it and place this link on a warez sites. Customers will download your files, and we obtain the money. The amount of your income will depend on the quantity of loads, the size of files loaded by you and by region, from which the customer came from. That’s all.

Of course, every person such files which will be necessary to someone else but you. It does not matter that it’s movies, books, programs, music or any other – a user who needs this file will certainly exist. File sharing exists just for these goals.

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