Tag: content marketing


Power Of Article Marketing

by , under Internet Marketing

With all the people out across the web trying to make money online you should be taking every action possible to improve your web presence in the search engines. One of the most powerful marketing tactics that I have used and I highly recommend you using is article marketing. This is the process of writing articles and submitting them to all the major article directories. There are many people who have a negative view of article marketing. One of the most common negative things I have heard about article marketing is how time consuming article marketing is. This is very true especially for those new writers who are not use to constantly writing articles every day. If you are running a blog then creating the content should not be an issue since you should be writing a blog post for your readers daily. Just take the post and submit it to a list of twenty or so article directories. Others are just not sure how article marketing works so when they see their article published on a page without page rank they feel the article is worthless.

Simply put creating and marketing content is by far the best form of internet marketing. Even when an article lands on a page which has no page rank you will still get a keyword optimized one way link from a page which is relevant to your site. You can then build simple links to the article on the article directory to help improve the value of the links coming to your site from the article. Few people will actually take the time to do this and it has two benefits. Not only will the backlinks to your site be more powerful, but the article will do better for its title in the serps which will help generate targeted traffic to the article and down to your site. When submitting an article it is important to submit the article to the top article directories. Submitting an article to a brand new page rank 0 article directory will offer miniscule results which could end up with you giving up on article marketing making it very difficult for you to reach the top of Google for competitive keyterms. On the other hand if you submit your article to a directory such as ezinearticles.com which is in the top five hundred most visited websites you will see one single article generate a decent amount of traffic.

The main factor that people miss when evaluating the success of an article in an article directory is the power of article marketing is not in the directory itself. Article directories were created so publishers would have access to free content they can use on their website. To avoid copy write infringement publishers add the article signature with the links to the bottom of the article. This allows the article to be republished with the writers links intact. If you write an article which has high quality and is truly unique then you could potentially see that article on every major site and blog in the niche. This could and will drastically improve your search engine position just from one article. The more realistic occurrence though is the article will be published on a couple websites which means you will need to submit quite a few articles.

Once you begin seeing traffic from your article marketing if you would like to monetize check out the affiliate programs on this get paid to take surveys website.

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