Tag: wealthy affiliate
Internet Job Swindles
Opening of electronic projects:
One more way is opening virtual “Horns and Hoofs”. For example, opening of the Internet shop trading, for example, in books or disks. You will list them means, and the goods you will not receive. So it is not necessary to buy at whom, at first ask already having has put with similar shop.
However, such projects are obvious internet frauds. Therefore their organizers can have set of problems to the own harm.
Therefore the majority arrives more refined, with improvisation, so to say. For example, opening of “sponsor” with defined minimal sum of money. The minimum sum for removal is not typed, and the user will not receive money. Any infringements is the client has agreed with rules at registration! Besides, the participant can be accused in application of a spam and other infringements. To prove it is almost impossible.
On sponsors you will not earn (though much, there are also unique persons-exceptions). Therefore the shop or a hosting can organize the partner program. Such projects the services give also customers do not deceive. However under the partner program it is possible and to throw. And free advertising is received. To prove a deceit in such cases also it is exclusively difficult.
Some projects initially did not reflect as deceptive, but they have not considered a conjuncture of the electronic market and have been closed. Together with the partner program, certainly.
Well here, as though in brief also have examined swindle principal views.
Be cautious!
P.S. All categories – are conditional! The opinion of the author is not dogma, but only opinion of the private person who is not concerning to one of payment systems.
The author of article understands a vagueness and absence of clearness of borders in definition of categories of swindle.
If you are ready to challenge opinion of the author, he is ready to listen to your remarks and offers…
For example, introduction of dispatch of a PIN-code at in a course in an account e-gold. Safety it is good, but, can, is better ask the user, whether he wishes to accept such help. Where would be more competent by default not to enter PIN-code dispatch, and only to inform on such service which has become for many bear. The electronic address could be in this time closed. In this case, the code is sent by mail. All right, the mail service between Russia and the USA can courageously to take to itself as a logo a turtle or a snail. But it is tolerant. And if the residing address was replaced also? To prove that you that person, make sense only at presence on the account a minimum some tens thousand dollars.
Web Money too sometimes does dirty tricks in the form of code dispatch on the electronic address, but here Russian have guessed reception of certificates. And to restore an account at their presence of work will not make.
In general, recently payment systems struggle with anonymity. On the one hand – it is correct, with another they lose the obvious advantage. Really, name though one terrorist or other criminal storing means in electronic payment system! However :), similar actions are favourable to systems. If in a case with Storm Pay still it is theoretically possible to seize money at registration under an assumed name it simply is impossible!
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And a final piece of advice – today the Internet technologies give you a really unique chance to choose exactly what you need for the best price on the market. Funny, but most of the people don’t use this chance. In real practice it means that you should use all the tools of today to get the info that you need.
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P.S. And also sign up to the RSS on this blog, because we will do the best to keep this blog tuned up to the day with new wealthy affiliate publications.