Tag: wealthy affiliate
Internet Swindle: The Internet Fishing!
What is fishing? Fishing is one of kinds of the swindle in the internet at which “bad people” almost completely copy the interface of any known web-site, for example bank, and further any ways try to entice the visitor on this site. The purpose of fishing is to get at the visitor to a site identification given (logins, passwords, pins etc.)
If to speak in more details the roguish scheme looks as follows. In process of it the site-forgery is cre ated, on
appearance not distinguishable from the original, the domain name very similar to a domain name of an official site further is registered. It is necessary to entice only any way the visitor on fraud site. Earlier, yes sometimes, for this purpose resorted to mass electronic dispatch. The user received the letter in which it was informed, for example, that its personal data in such company is lost, and that in a current of three days it is necessary for it to fill the questionnaire once again. Otherwise the account of the user will be blocked. Naturally more low in the letter the reference where it is possible to enter your personal data once again is resulted, and this reference conducts naturally on this fraud site.
The theme of the letter and the reason ostensibly blocking can vary certainly, all depends on imagination of swindlers, but they achieve one that you have come on a site-forgery and have entered the personal data.
Let us familiarize a little bit with the internet fishing:
Fishing is the old enough kind of the swindle, the first mentions about fishing in a network are dated still the middle of 90 years of the last century. However in the beginning of our century the problem has impressed sizes.
For today the quantity suffered from this kind of swindle is estimated in tens, if not hundreds millions cases. Annually leading world services (Citibank, eBay, PayPal etc.) are exposed to “fishing attacks” hundreds and even thousand times. The problem has so widely expanded that for its decision even it was necessary to create international anti fishing working group APWG which urged to counteract to it.
It would seem, knowing the basic scheme of fishing, it is possible to counteract easily to it, however not all so is simple. Much certainly can make and usual the user, to be exact not make. For example, it is necesary to watch the registration data and not to use them anywhere. To read recommendations online the services which services use more attentively. This recommendations not superfluous, researches show that, for example, about five percent of clients of banks do not know that banks do not dispatch letters with the request to confirm number of a credit card and its pin-code, moreover banks at all do not practice inquiry what or information from the client through the Internet.
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