Tag: wealthy affiliate


The Most Popular Swindles Offers In The Internet.

by , under Internet Marketing

The swindle number 1:”We steal another’s negotiations!”:

The internet fraud for jealous husbands and wives: Sitting in “icq” to the person is sent the message-spam from the stranger, offering services in breaking of mail boxes, and the main thing – detailed elaborations of mobile negotiations (the information about entering-proceeding with the data of owners of numbers) and decoding in a message comes.

– Half a year ago on work I receive such message. Has written to its author to the specified electronic address, that has sent the answer: a pier, the order we carry out within 1-2 days. The information on negotiations for last 2 months costs 80 dollars, to list them it is necessary on systems “Webs-attract” or “Web Money”. I have there and then sent money, but till now the promised text file with negotiations have not received…

The correspondent has entered into a correspondence to the author of the similar spam-message. Having scented a profit, the swindler patiently corresponded with me of week or two. At once having warned that by phone negotiations are impossible, he has informed that they receive the data directly from operators of a mobile communication. After transfer of advance payment (half of cost of the order) the information part is shown to the client. And only on receipt of the whole sum all file is sent. On a question, what guarantees of that after reception of advance payment will really send the order, the unknown person of anything intelligible could not answer. Dialogue has ended…

– Reception of such data is a thing difficult even for detectives, – the acquaintance, many years worked the chief of criminal investigation department has told to us. – To take detailed elaboration, we need to receive the court instruction under the petition of Office of Public Prosecutor.

And that usually it practices only at grave crimes. I do not think that detailed elaboration so simply to buy in the Internet.

However, at familiar hackers other opinion:

– Sale of such information is a real a thing. But in your case about a deceit says that the unknown person asks half of money forward.

The present hacker at first will send to the client a part of detailed elaboration and only after that will ask money.

Swindle number 2: “Buy advertising!”:

Potential clients are owners of smart phones. Sense of announcements published in the Internet – service for service. The owner of phone can download and install free of charge at himself on phone the special program thanks to which on the mobile phone display at each entering call or a message this or that advertising picture will be highlighted. And the owner of phone, in turn, will receive dividends from each such banner. At those who have tried, opinions disperse. One asserts that if you speak much, it is really possible to earn not bad.

But the majority assures that into their account for month 20 dollars have come at most.

The company offering such kind of intermediary, most likely simply wishes to test a new kind of advertising, to look, how much it is effective. But familiar hackers have explained: there is no guarantee that today-tomorrow they (hackers) or their colleagues will not register a harmful code in such program. In this case from phone of the subscriber will go without his permission SMS on expensive servers. Usually in that case leaves from 3 to 5 dollars for the message. Sending can infrequently occur, and separately taken owner of the smart phone can loss and not notice. And the harmful code, by the way, can be sent without the knowledge of the owner from its phone and to other people.

Need help with becoming a wealthy affiliate – this web site with thorough investigation of the topic can give you a nice hint into what direction you can walk and try to focus your efforts on, as well as info on threats on this way like wealthy affiliate scam.

And a final piece of advice – today the Internet technologies give you a really unique chance to choose exactly what you require at the best terms which are available on the market. Funny, but most of the people don’t use this opportunity. In real life it means that you must use all the tools of today to get the info that you need.

Search Google or other search engines. Visit social networks and check the accounts that are relevant to your topic. Go to the niche forums and join the online discussion. All this will help you to build up a true vision of this market. Thus, giving you a real chance to make a wise and nicely balanced decision.

P.S. And also sign up to the RSS on this blog, because we will everything possible to keep this blog tuned up to the day with new wealthy affiliate publications.

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