Tag: wealthy affiliate review


Benefits Of Contextual Advertising For The Web Designer.

by , under Internet Marketing

Owners of sites also have a benefit from use of contextual advertising. It is possible to carry simplicity of placing of announcements to pluses of contextual advertising. It is enough of all to edit once each page of a site and everything, the announcement will be shown constantly and accordingly the profit to the owner of a site will “drip” also constantly. It is not necessary neither search for new advertisers

, nor to carry on any negotiations with old, all occurs automatically. Simply! Conveniently! Favorably!

If there would be all so well probably other kinds of advertising would cease to exist, but also a tar spoon to big and tasty a honey flank under the name contextual advertising in this case won’t do without. I will tell only that minuses at contextual advertising exist, and they essential enough, therefore not to take them into consideration it is impossible.

The following question concerns earnings of the owner of a site on contextual advertising. And the first, what beginners of the web designer (interestingly why the first) “How many I can earn this question on contextual advertising at once ask?”. To answer this question it is unequivocally impossible. Earnings of the web designer depend on three factors: from quantity of visitors of your site, from subjects of a site and from an arrangement of advertising blocks on pages of your site.

With the first factor all is clear; the owner of a site obtains reward for transition under the reference of the advertiser. It is reasonable to assume that the more visitors, the bigger their quantity will become interested in advertisements, also the income accordingly grows. As the statistic shows advertisements shows interest at the best ten percent of an audience.

With the second factor also all is simple enough. The price for transition under the reference of the advertiser directly depends on site subjects. Exist “cheap” (acquaintances, entertainments) and “expensive” (the industry, banks, advertising etc.) subjects.

Accordingly to estimate the average price for transition under the advertising reference it is possible for example in such a way. We will admit, your site tells about the outdoor advertising. For today only service of contextual advertising the runner gives possibility to learn the price which the advertiser that its announcement was the first in the advertising block is compelled to pay. Using this service, also it is possible to learn what subjects more expensive, and what absolutely cheap. We pass to this page and we see that subjects “outdoor advertising” expensive enough, and here “acquaintance” subjects absolutely on the contrary.

Last factor is the location of the advertising block. Beginners of the web designer often enough neglect this factor, and in vain.

The successful arrangement of the advertising block can increase efficiency of an advertising platform considerably.

It is necessary to carry an arrangement of the block of announcements to such places at once under the navigating menu or in the beginning of the basic text of page. In more details you can learn about it from any service which is engaged in granting of the contextual advertising, each of them offers a set of recommendations about this question. All is simple! Successful placing of the advertising block favorably not only to the web designer, but also service of contextual advertising, after all it as obtains the reward for transition under the reference of the advertiser.

Need help with becoming a wealthy affiliate – this web site with thorough investigation of the topic can give you a nice hint into what direction you can walk and try to focus your efforts on, as well as info on threats on this way like wealthy affiliate scam.

And a final piece of advice – today the Internet technologies give you a truly unique chance to choose what you need at the best terms which are available on the market.

Funny, but most of the people don’t use this chance. In real life it means that you must use all the tools of today to get the info that you need.

Search Google and other search engines. Visit social networks and have a look on the accounts that are relevant to your topic. Go to the niche forums and join the discussion. All this will help you to create a true vision of this market. Thus, giving you a real chance to make a smart and nicely balanced decision.

P.S. And also sign up to the RSS feed on this blog, because we will everything possible to keep this blog tuned up to the day with new wealthy affiliate publications.

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