Tag: online business ideas


Internet Business Ideas Into Action

by , under Uncategorized

In my years as a webmaster and blogger it has always been easier to think of cool new profitable online business idea, but the problem comes when I have to spend days and in some cases weeks putting them into action. One of the worst time suckers I have ever had was when I thought of automating link exchanges by creating a free web directory and making it reciprocal. Now the trick with making this directory work was rather than having the submitter link back to the main directory website I had them link to my earn money online free website. This was one of the easiest ways I have ever gotten links and helped my website grow dramatically by adding a free general web directory. Now this will not be for everyone since it does require quite a bit of knowledge about php and html, but it is a good example of taking a simple internet business idea and making it successful.

Internet business ideas do not have to consist of creating a full web presence. The most common ideas are usually additions to a website or even ideas concerning a small blog post. These ideas are usually much less work than creating a full new website, blog, forum, directory, or whatever you are into building, but can still lead to the same results which is you increasing the size and strength of your online business. If you are a blogger there are so many little additions you can add and should have on your blog. A couple of the more important include an extensive about me page which gives all your contact information such as email, twitter, and facebook. You should also be using the widgets to create links internally and externally. You can do this by simply adding recent posts, a blog roll, and popular posts to your sidebar.

One thing you will probably notice if you start working really hard in the online business world is thoughts and ideas about your online business will be hitting you all the time. This will actually become quite a problem because you will be driving to the store and the perfect blog post or website idea will jump into your head and you will be stuck with absolutely no way to write it down. There are several ways which you can accommodate this problem and my personal way was buying a $400.00 phone the Android Incredible to be exact. This phone and the other smart phones like it will allow you to download a simple notebook app where you can write down all of your ideas into your phone. This is a great way to save information if you have the money to buy a smart phone. If you don’t have the money a small notepad and pen will work just as well just be sure when a great online business idea comes you don’t forget it.

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