Tag: marketing
Spectrum Marketing News Will Help With Internet Marketing
Spectrum Marketing News is an all around solution for internet marketing. Business owners and companies would love to have this opportunity to partner with Spectrum to be able to get the word out and let the web traffic in. There is a lot of ways to let your business go on full throttle with our business marketing ideas at a minimal cost but with full efficient and strong results. For us, we understand your needs to have good online presence so that you can have your mark in the interlaced world of the internet in the realm of business.
When you do free advertising on classified ads, you can only put one advertisement at a time. But with Spectrum Marketing News, everyone is welcome to put up their ads and all you have to do is to just sign up to advertise with us. Once you sign up, you can then send in your information, other links, and even your banners then we will update our It’s a Free Classified Ads Page with your business or product information. Should there be an instance that we do not have a category yet for your business or product, we can easily create categories and links for you. Everyone can put ads on our site and it’s as easy as that!
If you want to have a big banner ad at the size of 910×332, the fee is $10 each for 30 days. For small banners of 69×69 and 125×125 size, the fee is $5 for 30 days. They will be posted on our website in order to add more value to your business. We also have a photo gallery for those who want to have photos put up on my site. The fee is $5 per photo for 30 days. The size of every photo should be at 75×75 and we can send you a template to fit in that size. With the advertisements and the photos, you can send them over to us as well as your links. We have a graphics artist that will do the design for you so that you would not have to worry about it too much.
Whether you have a business, new product, service, or anything that you would like the world to know, our website is open for you. We provide the best marketing solutions that will fit your needs and business goals. If you have news about the world, politics, sports, and other current events, you can post it on our site. Just send your article in, wait for our approval on it and watch it posted on our site. If it is internet marketing, how to make more money or internet networking that you are into, then you have an avenue to get the word out through our website. Just share with us your marketing material and wait for the traffic coming in. You can advertise on Spectrum Marketing News to let people know about issues, news, the latest buzz and just about anything and everything under the sun.