Tag: build free website traffic
How To Increase Website Traffic
If you ask anyone who owns an online business if they would like to increase free website traffic the most common answer will be yes. Business owners understand the only way to make money is getting people on their presence purchasing their products, signing up for their programs, or clicking on their ads. This is the big secret when trying to make money online. The problem is increasing free web traffic is not easy nor fun. You will need to work long and hard usually with little results during the first year or so. To increase traffic you should understand how people find content on the web. First and most importantly search engines such as Google should be your main priority. If you are at the top of Google for the main keywords in your niche then traffic will flow from Google, Yahoo, and Bing. Another way to get traffic to your website is becoming a social marketing expert which means you understand how to get your website to the front pages of social bookmarking and also understand how to get your website retweeted on twitter and shared on facebook. The final way to build free traffic to your website is with referral traffic from other websites in your niche. This is one of the simplest ways to get traffic and usually free if you have good networking skills.
The focus of this article will be increasing your traffic from major search engines. You must remember that the search engines are extremely advanced and can find a cheater quick so do not expect to trick Google when trying to reach the top. There are a few blackhat secrets out there, but if you chose this path then do not be surprised when the major search engines put a ban on your website not letting it show up for any keywords. To avoid getting kicked off the search engines stick with whitehat techniques.
If you want to SEO your website the whitehat way then you must first understand you are no longer trying to impress Google, but rather your traffic. Google will rank your website well if it has quality content that is updated frequently. Google and the other major search engines will also respect websites which have one way links pointing towards them. The best way to get one way links is creating link bait which is content that has high enough quality that when a webmaster comes to your website and reads it they will link to it from their website without you having to ask or submit anything. This will help you reach the top of Google quicker than anything so attempt to make every piece of content you create of excellent quality.
In the beginning of promotion creating links will be necessary. You can do this the whitehat way by submitting your website to manual submission directories, submitting articles to article directories, exchanging links with similar websites, and submitting to social bookmarking websites.
Once you start receiving traffic and are interested in monetization check out the quality affiliate programs on this paid to take surveys website.