
Ups And Downs Of Internet Business

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Working online will be filled with amazing highs and terrible lows. There will be times when you check your different online income sources and be amazed with how much you have earned the day before then the next day you will not make nearly the same amount. The great thing about the online business world is you can set up residual incomes by sending people to affiliate programs so if you start struggling with traffic you will still have a somewhat stable income. With all the bounces of traffic, readers, income, and the success of an online business in general it is good to make sure you have a wide enough presence so you are not depending fully on one website or blog. I personally have around 3 websites and 3 blogs some on free hosting and some using paid hosting. The great thing is if one of these websites drops from the search engines I have plenty of other successful presences that are bringing in income.

The absolute most important aspect of online business is you do not let the rise and fall of your stats determine the amount of work you do on your online business. This is extremely difficult because when you see your stats rise it is hard to think about long term success. When you write a blog post and see your readers fall the next day usually you will feel as though you failed as a blogger especially if you are new to the internet business world. Now this is not the case a drop in readers or traffic will usually not be your fault. If your writing built traffic and readers then continue writing even through the dips. There was one day that I wrote five posts explaining everything I knew about search engine optimization. These posts on my online business blog went through how to build and rank a website high in Google, but the day after I created these posts my readers dropped in half. Perhaps it was the amount of posting I did, but I knew for a fact it was not the quality. The readers came back over the next few days and this was when I realized that a single drop or jump really means very little in the overall aspect of your online business.

You will go through big jumps and low dips, but there is a few things you can do to prevent a complete income failure. The first thing you can do is if you are relying completely on one web presence to create a sister presence that is optimized for other terms. One good example is if you are ranked well for the term “make money online” you create a second presence that is optimized for the term “earn money online” or “work at home”. Getting traffic from two different major terms means that if you see a drop in one term the other term will continue brining in income. There are also programs such as that will bring you an income from the traffic you have already sent them rather than relying on new traffic and referrals.

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