
Swindles In The Internet Or How Not To Be Deceived!

by , under Internet Marketing

An obvious deceit:

Sometimes there is nothing more effective (for swindlers), than an obvious deceit of the potential victims. So, the next letter – swindle is the following:

I welcome the great benefactor!

Such number-month-year has burnt down Church Sacred ???? in city YYY. The fire has destroyed all building of just constructed Church. On fire all icons ?II/XIV of centuries besides, have disappeared. All donations of parishioners becoming within ten years were gone. The majority of the means spent for building, just also are means of parishioners.

Assist, on you the Good fortune will descend!

The settlement account in a bank of the city of …… ????????. Corresponding account ZZZZZZZZZZZZZZ. Addressed to ….
Or on WM/E-gold.

And in general, if wish to help church, to children’s home or hospital know that the bank account opens addressed to this establishment, instead of addressed to the prior, the director or the manager. Heads vary, and the account is opened constantly. Many also are glad to help children-orphans, but very much it would not be desirable, that money has got to swindlers and swindlers.

Cynical swindle:
This point is similar with previous, but swindlers have gone where further.

System Web Money welcomes the users!
Our system is engaged ten years in electronic commerce. Business means earning money. However the present businessman should not forget and requiring

the help. Therefore our system has organized Fund of the help to children of Beslan. All know that recently there was the most awful in the history of mankind on scope and cynicism act of terrorism. Light Day of knowledge became black not only for all country, but also for all reasonable mankind. Many children were lost. Dead you will not return, but to help live victims – a sacred debt of the Citizen. Two hundreds children require your help. Let’s help them together! Here purses for the help…

Misters swindlers, your cynicism is only a little less cynicism of those terrorists. Also there is no need to be covered with a name known and dear payment system. And to all wishing to help suffered children, I remind once again: similar actions are published in section of news on an official site of system.

A deceit from outside payment systems:

Sometimes payment systems experience difficulties. Some leave by means of frank deceit. Some are simply closed. The loudest swindle is a “struggle against terrorism”.

Initially this system was international, opened for all countries. However the payment system has appeared in a difficult situation in competitive struggle with similar to. For the further development means were required. And by administration it has not been thought up anything better, than frank swindle- closing of accounts of users from the certain countries. In any civilized country of the world any person cannot be recognized by guilty, except as on a judgment. The management of this payment system has incurred function of the judge and without any trials declared terrorists the people more than two tens countries! Well, with it it is possible to argue – it is possible to declare the terrorist and the American government, preconditions are available.

Probably, in the American court also it is possible to defend the right. However who there will go behind the one hundred-other dollars

? However if to consider that users in these countries were a lot, and the chicken pecks on a kernel in Storm Pay have not bad corrected the affairs. However so massive and almost groundless swindle has caused suspicions in reliability of system even in the American users. And the system slides in a precipice.

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