Tag: promotional advertising


Marketing Using Custom-Printed Promotional T-Shirts.

by , under Internet Marketing

How about seeing people wear your company logo on their backs

? By giving away advertisement T shirts, you are actually getting the best use from promotional items- publicity that goes beyond a week or two. Most businesses stock up their advertising tools with objects that do not give as much contact as promotional t-shirts do. Here are just some of the benefits that can be had from using tees for publicity purposes:

It gives you constant publicity.

T shirts with company prints usually serve as everyday reminders of what you are trying to tell your potential customers.

Actually, for as long as someone decides to wear your shirt. It is not unusual to see someone wearing an old promotional shirt several years after it was awarded. The point is, shirts give you almost boundless, if not, long-lasting benefits.

Custom printed tee shirts are probably among the cheapest mediums for marketing your company or your products. While shirts are a bit more luxurious than custom pens, notebooks, and various other promotional products, they give maximum exposure for several weeks, months, and even years. Promotional T-shirts essentially serve as a walking billboard, giving people a message about your company, products, and services. Just picture how much company exposure can be gained by wearing or letting others wear your custom t-shirt at a large function like a concert or sporting event.

Promotional shirts are functional for the users and the advertisers. T Shirts are a staple of daily living. T-shirts can be worn on a daily basis, by all age groups, by both genders and can be paired with almost all sorts of jeans, skirts, shorts– you name it. This fact substantially increases the reach of custom promotional t-shirts. If someone wears your shirt 5 times a year, which of course is a conservative estimate of how often your shirt will get used, you have already used your basic cost on the shirt.

On the advertiser’s side, inexpensive T shirts that are custom printed for specific companies or products can satisfy a host of uses. Apart from being prime promotional tools, shirts, particularly the limited edition types, can be given away as prizes for contests and competitions sponsored by the company, as motivational tools to encourage customers to buy more of your products and as give away items for loyal clientele.

The so-called innovators argue that a promotional advertising printed T shirt is the thing of the past. Newer and more inventive ways for improving brand awareness are provided by the radio, television and o

ther mediums. The thing though is, promotional t-shirts are very cheap options for the promotional marketing material. Custom printed t-shirts do not involve hefty price tags like several seconds of national TV promotion do. Wearing and giving away promotional T-shirts is a gainful way of promotional marketing strategies and spread your communication.

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