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Local Business Internet Marketing Plan: Organizing Your Schedule

by , under Internet Marketing

Setting a schedule and sticking to it is the first step to developing a local business Internet marketing plan. Most small business owners are very busy and kind of take a hit or miss approach to marketing their business on the internet.

Therefore it will be extremely important that you manage your time and have a schedule devoted strictly to Internet marketing.

Are you the type of person who works off a to do list? Many small business owners make lists to help them

keep organized. I would suggest that you do the same thing when it comes to spending time marketing your business online.

The nice thing about most forms of Internet marketing today is you can automate them. This means you can schedule in advance things such as local business email marketing, article marketing, blogging, video marketing and so on.

Either you or someone in your company can spend time each week setting up an entire week or months worth of marketing online.

Beginning with the basics you must decide how you are going to organize your schedule. Are the type of person who likes to write everything out by hand on a piece of paper?

If you are, that is okay and you should keep your notebook handy to refer to. It can also be beneficial to look back at to determine things you have done.

If you are Internet oriented, or someone your company is, you can use other things that help keep yourself organize. Microsoft Word or Works is a good way to set up files. A spreadsheet works just as well.

Spreadsheets are good because it gives you an overview and helps keep you organized. The benefit of typing your notes is anyone can read them. If you are like most of us hand written notes sometimes are hard to decipher.

When setting up your schedule here are the primary things you need to keep in mind.

1. Who is going to handle your local business marketing? If it’s you that is great, but you probably need some Internet education. You should plan on devoting some time every week to learning how to market on the Internet.

If you are going to hire someone for this important chore you need to find a high quality person to handle your Internet marketing. This takes you off the hook in terms of setting things up, but you should still monitor the results you are getting.

2. What day of the week are you going to devote to marketing online? After you get your Internet marketing campaigns up and running you may not need to devote as much time to this. However you should always be tracking your results and spending a little time looking at those.

3. What kind of advertising online will you be doing? We will spend more time on this in another article regarding specific forms of advertising online.

In summary when developing your local business Internet marketing plan it all starts with setting a schedule and sticking to it.

If you are committed to building an online presence you must devote adequate time to making it happen.

If you enjoyed this article by Jeff Schuman on setting up a local business Internet marketing plan please visit our local business website. We help small business owners grow their business in their local market using the power of the internet.

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