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Methods Of Internet Marketing

by , under Internet Marketing

Develop a Quality Foundation for Your Internet Business:
The truth is, effective internet marketing depends largely on your willingness to invest resources and time into your internet business. The amount of time you that you devote to your business, is to a large degree, the primary determining factor of your ultimate success. If your are just starting your on-line business, and you are not willing to put as much time into your business as you would with any other full time job, you will be disappointed with your results.

Any builder will tell you that the quality of the finished product is determined by the quality of the foundation. Likewise, the success of your internet business is built upon

the foundation of promoting a quality product, developing a quality website, and attracting quality prospects to your website.

Promote Quality Products:
If you are like most internet marketers you will be marketing someone else’s product. Very few entrepreneurs have their own products to market. So how do you know if the product you intend to market is a quality product? There are three questions which need to be answered in order to determine the quality of a product.

1) Effectiveness – Does the product work as advertised? Would you or do you use the product?
2) Manufacturer Support – Does the manufacturer support the product with instructional information, testimonial documentation, and troubleshooting strategies?
3) Warrantees – Does the manufacturer warrantee the product against defect, and how easy is the refund or replacement process?

Develop a Quality Website:
You must have at least one website from which to market your product(s). Think of this website as a giant funnel, which is wide at the point of initial contact with potential leads. Through a series of pages on your website you continually narrow the options of the leads and create an urgency and desire in them to obtain your service or product. For newcomers to internet marketing the construction of a quality website can be challenging.

A quality marketing website will contain the following features: The landing page provides general information about your product or service, and creates curiosity in the visitor about your product or service. The lead-capture page motivates the visitor to divulge some basic contact information about them, like their e-mail address, telephone number, or address so that they can be contacted with follow-up communications from you. The application page motivates the lead to commit to receiving more information about your product or service, and may include a nominal fee-for-service or application fee at this point. Finally, your website must contain a business overview page, which simply reiterates the how the product or service works and asks for the sale.

It is quite common for leads to require some time before they can commit to your product or service. Often leads must do their due diligence and research your product or service before they can commit to it. During this time it is imperative that you maintain contact with these leads. The information from the lead capture page is useful to maintain this contact either through e-mail or phone calls.

One option to consider is to work with a company that can provide you with all of the necessary website pages that will generate and capture leads, that will do lead follow-up or help you to do lead follow-up, and that will ultimately generate sales. Very few on-line companies provide this level of service to on-line business partners who are promoting their products or services. Most often it is left to you to develop your own website with all of the necessary pages and lead follow-up.

Attract Quality Prospects to Your Website:
Now that you have connected with an on-line company which helps you by providing all of the necessary website pages to capture leads and convert them to sales, or now that you have developed your own website and system to transform leads to sales, it is time to focus on getting people to your website so that they can see what you are offering them.

Think of the internet like the root system of a tree, which branches out in all directions. Now think of the root system of a forest where all of the individual trees are connected to each other by their roots. This will give you some idea of the complexity and scope of the internet today. By simply creating one little website out on the tip of one little branch of one root of one large tree, how in the world do you get noticed by the rest of the internet world

? The answer is advertising.

There are four basic ways to advertise or generate traffic to your website:
1. E-Mail campaigns, which blast out an e-mail to thousands of e-mail addresses.
2. Blogging, where you write articles or blog on various sites with links to your website.
3. Video Marketing, where you create videos and publish them to various video sites like You Tube, with links and invitations to your website.
4. Social Networking Sites, like Facebook, Twitter, or Myspace can provide you with quality leads after you develop a certain level of connections to others on those sites.

There are hundreds of online businesses devoted to increasing traffic generation to your website, of course, for a fee. Do your research on these companies and choose to work with those that can save you the most time and reduce your duplication of effort.

Look for traffic generating companies that can help you to interconnect as many sites and activities as possible. For example, you write one blog and video yourself either reading your blog or talking about it, then you submit it to a company that can distribute the written and video versions to a hundred sites at once.

Still wondering what is the best internet marketing search engine? All the tips you’ll ever need about website search engine submission can be found at search engine optimization pricing

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