Five Ways To Earn On The Internet.
I offer you a couple of options for earning on the Internet:
1) Paid Surveys;
2) Focus groups;
3) Telephone interviews;
4) View of movie trailers;
5) Samples of the products.
? 1. Paid Surveys.
It is surveys that are conducted by the companies to know your opinion about definite product. Many companies spend millions of dollars for market researches; they do not want to make a mistake that will cost billions of dollars, so they create these polls. Typically, a survey consists of 8-60 questions to one or more subjects. You simply have to select yes or no. For interviews, you can choose a convenient time for you.
? 2. Focus groups.
Focus groups are group interviews conducted by the organizers in the form of discussion on a previously developed scenario with a small group of “typical” representatives of the studied population, similar in basic social characteristics. You must come to a certain place, at the appointed time and discuss the topics of the group (yogurt, cigarettes, milk and dairy products, wine degustation, etc.)
A focus group is different from the usual method of testing that we get the subjective opinions of respondents about a product, service, candidate, etc. In a narrow sense, the focus group – is a group of responding people. Participation in focus groups is paid by the products or one-off cash prizes.
? 3. Telephone interview.
It is one of the most rapid and inexpensive methods of questionnaires, which allows you to hear the views of different groups on virtually any issue.
Formal questions are asked to respondents on home phone. The duration of telephone interviews is limited to 5-20 minutes. Telephone interviews are paid by one-off cash prizes.
? 4. View of movie trailers.
This is the best way of earnings; you watch the movie after which you are asked to comment this video.
? 5. Samples of the products.
The fastest and the easiest way – is to give the potential buyer to try the goods so that he will be able to understand the benefits and assess his need for this product. Sampling may be accompanied by information brochures and booklets. They will send a trial production to you at home; your job is to try it and commentate.